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Parent Information

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Here is some key information for parents.

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School Uniform

School Uniform: Lower School - Reception - Year 4

White polo shirt or white shirt, red sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge sewn on,  black or grey tailored trousers,  black or grey shorts, black or grey skirt(skirts should be knee length), black tights, black shoes or dark coloured trainers.

School Uniform: Middle School - Year 5 - Year 8

White polo shirt or white shirt, purple sweatshirt or cardigan with school badge sewn on,  black or grey tailored trousers,  black or grey shorts, black or grey skirt(skirts should be knee length), black tights, black shoes or dark coloured trainers.

School Uniform: Upper School - Year 9-11

White polo shirt or white shirts, navy sweatshirt with school badge sewn on, black or grey tailored trousers, black or grey shorts, black or grey skirt(skirts should be knee length), black tights, Black Shoes.

It is inappropriate for children to wear make up including coloured nail varnish in school and we ask that parents co-operate with us in this. 

For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school. The exception to this is the wearing of studs if children have pierced ears. 

Faint Glow

Illness & Absence

If your child is going to be absent from school, then please ring the school on 0116 2220792. Please select option 2 to leave your child's name and class and reason for absence.


PE Kit


PE T-shirt(that is to be purchased through the school) with black or navy shorts, black Plimsolls


PE T-shirt(that is to be purchased through the school) with black or navy shorts, black or navy Jogging bottoms or black leggings for girls, plain tracksuit jumper, trainers


Boys need swimming trunks or shorts. Girls need a one piece swimsuit that does not reveal the midriff. All children need a towel. 

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At Emmanuel we will try our best to inform parents and carers about any closures, including those caused by snow. 


Any school closures will be updated and put on the home page of the website. 


The decision to close the school is taken by the headteacher. The headteacher has to weigh up a number of factors including the local weather conditions, pupil safety and the staff numbers before making a decision.

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