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Statement of Faith

Home - Faith

Without the help and practical support of our many volunteers, Emmanuel Christian School would be unable to continue.


If you would like to consider helping in any way do please contact the school and we will be happy to discuss the matter further with you, without any obligation.

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Financial Support

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Emmanuel Christian School does not receive any grant or aid from the government. Consequently, we rely on the fees we receive from parents and the generous gifts donated by our supporters.


If you would like to help us financially you may do this in one of the following ways:

By a one-off gift:

It can also be by cheque made payable to 'Emmanuel Christian School, Leicester' and sent to the school at:

  • Emmanuel Christian School, Leicester

  • Didsbury Street

  • Braunstone

  • Leicester

  • LE3 1QP


By regular standing order:

For a standing order form please contact the school.

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